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Having Trouble Publishing?

In case you're having trouble publishing your project, here's what you can do:

  • Turn off any security apps
    It could be your computer's built-in firewall or third-party anti-virus software.

If you are still unable to publish with your security apps turned off:

  • Send us a copy of your project

You may upload it to GoogleDrive, Dropbox, or WeTransfer and send us the download link. Make sure to set it to be viewable by anyone with the link.

See: How to Share Your CreateStudio Project via GoogleDrive, Dropbox or WeTransfer - 

  • Send us the App Logs

Go to the app's home page > Settings > click on Download Logs

Save the .cspro logs and send it to us as well.

Usually, rendering is quick, smooth, and done in a minute.

However, there are some rare instances that you might encounter issues.

Rendering process stays at 0%

Rendering process starts but stops at some point

Or it says 100% but does not open the finished video

If you encounter these issues, follow the suggested steps above and contact support.

Choose files or drag and drop files
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