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How to Use the Migration Tool

Migrating from CreateStudio 3.0 to CreateStudio 4.0

Before uninstalling CreateStudio 3.0 from your device, 

go to Settings > Migration Tool > click on the Export button

Wait until it shows Exporting complete.

All scenes, global media files, custom fonts, custom motion presets, and settings are packed and exported as a .cspx file

 Download and install CreateStudio 4.0

Go to Settings > Migration Tool> click on Import > Select the migration.cspx file

Wait until it shows Importing Complete.

(The Migration Tool can also be used to export/import your local settings and resources between computers)

Note: The Migration Tool only transfers local settings, saved scenes, and downloaded assets. It does not transfer projects.

To transfer projects from one device, export the projects (.cspro files) and import it to the other. 

How to Save and Open Projects

Choose files or drag and drop files
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