Turn any script into a realistic voice-over narration with our AI Voiceover Generator
Select the photo on the canvas > Click on the AI Bot > Select Create Voiceover
Type your script in the text box
Note 1: The maximum number of characters the text-to-speech supports is 1000 characters including spaces. If you have longer scripts you will need to split them into several clips.
Note 2 : We suggest saving the text first to Notepad or TextEdit so you can easily edit it.
You can copy and paste the text into the text-to-speech field by pressing Ctrl/CMD+V.
To insert a pause between words or sentences, simply type [PAUSE=S] where S is the number of seconds.
For example: "How are you?[PAUSE=3] I am good."
The voice will make a 3-second pause after "How are you?" before it reads the next sentence.
To give more control over the pause timing, you may also use a decimal point to add milliseconds.
For example: "How are you?[PAUSE=3.5] I am good."
This will give a 3.5 second pause which is equal to 3500 milliseconds
Voice Preview
Because credits are consumed when you click on "Generate Speech", we recommend using the preview section to listen to the available voices to avoid using up your credits.
Once you've selected a voice from the menu, type your script in the text box. Click on Generate Speech.
Click on Import
The generated audio is automatically added to the Project folder.
You can then drag it to the canvas or the timeline.
AI Voiceover Generator uses 1 credit = 1 character (including space)
All Access Pass members get 3000 credits every 1st of the month
(3000 credits=3000 characters)
Unused credits do not accumulate.
Learn more: CreateStudio Credits